My best friend - Friendship


Friendship is the most delicate thing. It is quite easy to make friends but very difficult to maintain it. Friendship is a blessing that makes our life joyous and pleasant. It is like a ladder that carries man to the heights of perfection. It requires sacrifice, selfless devotion, and sincerity on both sides. All the prominent personalities of the world have kept liked and admired the friendship Montaigne, the French essayist has said it is the one soul in two bodies. A friendless is always lonely and sad.

The selection of a true and selfless friend is a difficult one. A true friend is selfless. He must be firm, fearless and stalwart. He is interested in your welfare and happiness. A good friend is prepared to sacrifice his own interest for the sake of a friend.

Considering these points, I am fortunate to have the best friend whom I am proud of. His name is ______. He is my class fellow. He comes from a very respectable family. He has a very fair complexion. He is a very civilized and good-looking boy. He always wears a neat, clean and white dress. His pleasing and gentle habits have made him popular not only with his teachers but also with all his classmates. He is very intelligent, honest, sincere and straightforward. He is very obedient and respects his parents and teachers.

He is very good at his studies. He never provides the teachers with a chance of complaint. He always stands first in the class. He never tells a lie. He is frank and honest. He is not jealous of anybody.

He is a good player in cricket. He has led the school team several times. He is a good batsman. Everybody admires his batting. The school is proud of him. I greatly value his sportsmanship and culture.

The students in our class envy our friendship. We do not care about that because we depend on each other. We equally push the cart of friendship.

He values friendship well. No doubt, he himself is a model of a true friend. He never tries to find out my faults. If he sees my faults, he gently and courteously tells me. His company is a source of pleasure. He is a boy who smiles at cares and laughs at sorrows.
In short, his friendship is the greatest boon that God has bestowed upon me.
