Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah

Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah

The great son of Soil

The name of ‘Quaid-i-Azam’ needs no for introduction, his introduction is own self renowned in the world as the father of the nation and a great leader. He was born on 25th December in 1876 at Karachi. 

His father's name is Jinnah pooja and he was a great merchant of Karachi. He sent him England to study law. He was a great patriot. He wanted to see India free from British rulers. He, therefore, joined the Indian national congress, but soon he realized the double policy of Hindus. So he left it and joined the Muslim League. 

He said that there were two separate nations i.e Muslims and Hindus and they can not live together. Then in 1940, he demanded a separate homeland for Muslims. After a long struggle, he got it on 14th August 1947 a free country for Muslims namely Pakistan. He became the first governor-general. 

After the separation of Pakistan, he went away from the beloved country soon on 11th September 1948. The whole Pakistani nation had mourned on his death. An English newspaper gave a compliment to him. “ Sub-continent will never produce the leader like Muhammad Ali Jinnah”.
