A visit to historical place - Moen-Jo-Daro


            During the summer vacation our class arranged a visit to Moen – Jo – Daro. It is one of the interesting historical places. All the teachers including the Principal accompanied us.
It is 27 kilometers away from Larkana on the Right Bank of river Indus. It was discovered in 1992 by Sir John Marshall. It reminds us of the then rich civilization of the Indus valley.
Moen – Jo – Daro means the “Mound of Dead”. It shows that away this city was destroyed by any attack or natural calamity.
We reached there by o’clock. The day was cloudy, and a cool breeze was blowing at that time. Our jovial crowd was joined by a small group of foreigners. It doubled up our excitement. We were surprised to see such a magnificent city of ancient times. The people of Mone – Jo – Daro mostly lived in single or double-story houses. All the houses were made of baked bricks. Each house had a compound wall, kitchen, well and a servant quarter. All the streets were spacious bricks and covered. The structure of the city reveals that the people of this city led plain, significant and advanced urban life.
Then we went to a museum where all those objects were kept which were used by the people of the city. These include seals, painted pottery, jewelry, dolls, long loose dresses and ahead of bull. This proves how advanced and excellent life they led.
We enjoyed the whole day at our fill by watching various ruins of Moen – Jo – Daro. In the evening, we turned back to our home. This visit was the most memorial visit of my life. I will ever derive the source of inspiration and knowledge from this interesting visit.
